That LeggUP Manager dashboard provides visibility to a user on their teams' progress through their coaching program.
Top Row
Covered - This represents the total number of programs covered under your policy.
Assigned - This indicates the number of programs that have been assigned to your members.
Available - This shows the number of programs available for assignment based on your policy.
Started - This reflects the number of members who have started their programs.
Assessments - This is the total count of assessments completed by your members.
Sessions - This indicates the total number of sessions completed by your members.
Productivity and Wellbeing Rows
Until your members start their program, the dashboard will display the benchmark data from a sample of our entire database. In order to protect individual member results, the dashboard will not begin to populate your data until a sufficient number of members have completed their initial Talent Assessment.
Top Strengths Box
This box will display the top three dimensions of Productivity/Wellbeing from the Talent Assessment for your team. Check the third box in this row to see a diagram of all six dimensions of Productivity/Wellbeing of your team.
Team Profile Box
The numbers depicted represent the average percentile in a given dimension for the team as a whole. Percentiles are an indication of how the team scored compared to the average individual who has completed the Talent Assessment. For example, if the team scores in the 50th percentile, that means your team is roughly better than half the population, while scoring below half the population. If the team scores in the 90th percentile, it indicates the team scored higher than 90% of the population.
Chart box
The numbers represented in this diagram indicate the distribution of members on your team who placed in each segment from Strength to Blindspot. This diagram is useful for understanding how many people on your team are strong in a given dimension or have opportunity for growth.
Utilization Row
Until your members start their programs, the dashboard will display the benchmark data from our entire database. In order to protect individual member results, the dashboard will not begin to populate your data until a sufficient number of members have built their program.
Modules Box
This box will display the top three coaching topics that have been chosen by your members. The View all button will provide amplifying information about the rest of your coaching topics.
Feedback Box
This box will display the coach, sessions and program feedback left by your members.
Sessions Completed Box
The Sessions Completed box will provide a snapshot of how many sessions have been completed, in progress or not started by your members.